Take your FIRST STEP!
We want to make your FIRST STEP easy and available to you at your convenience! All you have to do is sign up below and we'll email you a link to enroll online in our First Steps course.
You'll be able to
- Learn a little about River Lake's history
- Get more information on how our Mission and Core Values drive our ministries
- Get an insight on the rewards of serving at River Lake
- And get your questions answered
- Be sure to check out the helpful hints below
Get Started!
Signing up is easy -- and here are a few "hints" to help you.
- CLICK on the button below to get started.
- You'll be prompted to enter your email and click on the link you'll receive in your email.
- When you are ready to take a break, be sure to finish the short module you are in, answer the 1-2 questions at the end, and clickSave Answer to Complete. Then you can pick up right where you left off.